Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

how to buy on

Surely you know khan Amazon, the biggest shopping sites in the world. On the site you can shop Amazon's whatever you need. One advantage of shopping at Amazon is that we are permitted to purchase any goods from different places in the world. It may be that the goods khan unique, rare, not in our country or even expensive. it can only be used to send items such as books or CDs to Indonesia, but now Amazon has supported the purchase and delivery of goods to many countries in the world with the Amazon International Shipping. International Shipping at Amazon we have facilitated to import goods from the U.S. there so we will not charge import again by Indonesian customs.

How interested in buying products in Amazon.Berikut How to purchase products on Amazon:

1. Try to open the following page Amazon International Shipping
2. Find and Select the desired goods using the search form available. For example, you want to buy the latest Epson printers, Canon, HP or other electronic products and their brand typing its kind.
3. If you've found the item you are looking, the input to the shopping cart (press the Add to Shopping Cart)
4. If you are still looking for another item, press the button contiue Shopping.
5. If you are finished, please press the Proceed to check out).
6. You will be guided to login to (if not have account, you will be asked to register first)
7. From there will come a number of options and their costs way shipping freight.

8. If you agree, you will be asked to pay with a credit card. For payment there are actually other options besides credit card, ie with Amazon Checkout or better known as Amazon Gift Cards, Paypal is about the same as Amazon Gift Card

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